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Wawona Blanket
Two friends share a laugh while sitting outside of their Wawona Tent at a campsite.

Easy to set up. Hard to leave.
From best-selling tents to backcountry blankets, our Wawona system takes campsite comfort to the next level.

Two friends share a laugh while sitting outside of their Wawona Tent at a campsite.
How do I choose a sleeping bag for camping?
The first thing you need to do is a little bit of research. How cold will it get at night where you want to go camping? Sleeping bag temperature ratings range from -40°F to over 40°F. How much weight are you looking to carry? Light bags come in at under 2 pounds while heavier bags can come in at over 3 pounds. Keep in mind the other gear you'll have to carry.
What is a good sleeping bag for camping?
All The North Face sleeping bags are fit for campers. The bag you should choose depends on what you want your bag to do. A versatile sleeping bag like the Cat's Meow is perfect for three season mountaineering. An ultralight bag like the Lynx is a backpacker's best friend. Casual campers will love the Eco Trail Bed 20.
What is the best sleeping bag for winter camping?
A sleeping bag rated for low temperatures with down insulation is best. The North Face Inferno -40F/-40C sleeping bag is a good example of a sleeping bag for winter nights.